As “ATİK HUKUK Attorneyship and Consultancy”, we provide legal consultancy services in all kinds of energy investments made in the electricity, natural gas, and oil markets.
Our office offers its clients, who operate in the wide field of the energy sector, including electricity companies, oil and gas companies, renewable energy producers such as solar and wind, mining companies; It provides legal consultancy services at all stages from the creation of the project to the provision of financing, obtaining the necessary permits and approvals and executing energy projects.
This site, T.B.B. 9/1 of the Advertising Prohibition Directive. “Those within the scope of this Regulation have the right to express themselves in any medium allowed by technology and science, including the internet.” It is arranged in accordance with the rules and does not have advertising purposes. Our Law Firm does not warrant that the information published on this site is correct or complete. For this reason, it is not responsible for the content, transmission, receipt, or storage of the information in any way. The information given is general and it is recommended to consult a lawyer in case a lawsuit is desired; because the law changes according to the event and situation.